Linking Gut Health & Mental Wellbeing

Linking Gut Health & Mental Wellbeing

The gastrointestinal system is in constant communication with the brain, with signals flowing back and forth influencing our decisions, mood and general wellbeing. We've known for a while now that our gut affects the way we feel.
August 31, 2020 — Andy Kelly
PERKii now available with Morsl

PERKii now available with Morsl

CEO Karla Borland, and her team have recently launched their innovative micro market, Morsl, and PERKii Probiotics is proud to be a part of it! Sharing our 'better for you' ethos, the goal behind Morsl is to reinvent food and beverages in the workplace, encouraging healthier eating and improving the overall well-being of workers. A perfect fit for our great tasting, micro encapsulated probiotic drinks.
August 20, 2020 — Andy Kelly
Tags: health
804 Reasons to Shop at Woolies!

804 Reasons to Shop at Woolies!

Amazing news out of PERKii Enhanced Probiotics and Woolworths, with our increased ranging to 747 Woolworths Supermarkets and 57 Metro stores across the East Coast! That means you'll now find our probiotic drinks in 75% of stores Australia wide. 
July 23, 2020 — Andy Kelly
The Importance of Gut Health

The Importance of Gut Health

The term 'Gut Health' is becoming more prevalent among health care practitioners, scientists, social media platforms and especially here at PERKii Probiotics. In this article, we'll take a brief look at what constitutes a healthy gut, and why taking care of your gut is important for your overall health and well-being.

July 09, 2020 — Andy Kelly
Winter Wellness with Coles Express

Winter Wellness with Coles Express

Here at PERKii, we love being able to provide drinks that are not only good for you, but also taste great! Thanks to some amazing partners we are able to spread that 'better for you' message across the country.
June 25, 2020 — Andy Kelly
'Bifidobacterium' Probiotics

'Bifidobacterium' Probiotics

PERKii has recently announced a brand new sparkling variant to our range of probiotic drinks. Bubbles and flavour (while the most obvious) are not the only changes, in comparison to PERKii's still variant.
June 04, 2020 — Andy Kelly