PERKii micro-shield
Made primarily of a natural alginate formula, PERKii micro-shield technology is designed for a targeted in-gut release of living probiotics. The PERKii micro-shield also provides an ideal environment within the product, prolonging shelf life and the survival lifecycle of the probiotic.
Micro-shield for macro benefits - Inside its natural micro-shield, PERKii probiotics are 10,000x more likely to survive in the stomach, than non-micro-shield probiotic.
In summary, PERKii micro-shield technology is built to:
1. Provide an internal environment that supports the life of our probiotics, from bottle to gut.
2. Protect the probiotic externally with a wall that is resistant to low PH levels for the journey through the stomach.
3. Swell and dissolve once inside a neutral PH environment, found in the gut.
A University led innovation - The PERKii micro-shield technology was first developed at the University of Queensland. Australia’s leading institution for scientific innovation.