Can Probiotics Help With Seasonal Allergies?
Can Probiotics Help With Seasonal Allergies?
Especially as the season of hay fever draws closer, many of us will start wondering - ‘can probiotics help with seasonal allergies?’
At first glance, you probably wouldn’t associate probiotics with hay fever management. After all, we’ve grown to know probiotics for their gut health and immunity-boosting benefits. However, new research might begin to change this, as it’s suggested that probiotics may be effective for managing seasonal allergy symptoms.
This begs the question - can probiotics help with seasonal allergies? In this blog post, we’ve covered everything you need to know about probiotics and hay fever. Find out more below.
What Causes Seasonal Allergies?
Let’s begin with the basics - what causes hay fever?
Hay-fever, otherwise known as allergic rhinitis is an allergic reaction that causes sneezing, watering eyes, runny nose, and itchiness.
It’s a very common condition and is triggered by air-borne grass and pollen - which is why the condition is most associated with Spring. Though, some other common causes include animal dander and dust mites.
Seasonal allergies can be a real annoyance, as they can interrupt productivity and reduce the quality of sleep. Medications, such as antihistamines and decongestants are commonly used to treat symptoms of hay fever. Though, like many medications, they can cause mild adverse health effects - such as drowsiness and blurred vision.
So, probiotic supplements are being investigated as a natural treatment option in very mild cases.
Can Probiotics Help With Seasonal Allergies?
Let’s answer this common question - can probiotics help with seasonal allergies?
A recent study conducted suggests that a combination of probiotic strains may be able to help curb the symptoms of allergic rhinitis when it’s taken during the hay fever season.
The study set out to investigate the effects of a combination of probiotic strains on hay fever symptoms and quality of life. These strains under investigation included bifidobacterium bifidum, bifidobacterium longum, and lactobacillus gasseri.
Researchers found 173 adults to participate in the study during the peak of the spring allergy season. Each of them reported mild cases of hay fever.
The study was split into two groups randomly. The first group was provided with a capsule containing the combination probiotic that was taken twice a day while the second group was given a placebo.
Throughout the 8-weeks of this study, the participants of the study did not take any hay fever medications.
The results found that participants that took the combination probiotic capsule responded with a reduction in their allergy symptoms, along with better life quality, compared to those on the placebo.
More research is required to understand exactly how the probiotic combination might have helped with hay fever symptoms. Though, it’s suspected to do this by boosting the amount of regulatory white blood cells which may increase the body’s resistance to seasonal allergy symptoms
The Best Probiotics For Hayfever
At this point, you might be wondering - ‘what probiotic strains can help with hay fever?’
With numerous studies being conducted, it’s been concluded that not every probiotic strain can notably improve the symptoms of seasonal allergies.
In the study detailed above, common probiotic strains such as bifidobacterium and lactobacillus are suggested to be favourable for managing mild hay fever symptoms.
Fortunately, these are some of the most effective and widely studied probiotic strains - and have been linked with several other health benefits.
That being said, researchers have only scratched the surface of the hay-fever benefits of probiotics. We still need to determine the best way to use and take probiotics when managing hay fever symptoms.
Perkii Probiotics
If you’re on the hunt for a probiotic to get you through the hay fever season, we’d suggest trying these probiotic drinks from Perkii.
These probiotic drinks contain billions of live bacteria, including probiotic strains such as bifidobacterium and lactobacillus. Research has found these strains to help with mild hay fever symptoms - though more research is required to gain a better understanding of this effect.
With our signature micro-shield technology, these probiotics are also designed to get through your gut in one piece. They release as soon as they reach the intestines, so you can enjoy the full range of benefits that probiotics can offer.
Head to the online store now to shop the range.
*The information in this article should be considered as advice only. Before using probiotics, speak with a healthcare professional.