Are All Probiotics The Same?

Are All Probiotics The Same?

In the forever-expanding world of gut-health, probiotics have stood their ground as a prominent and undisputed champion. Though, as we take a closer look at these friendly bacteria, we tend to wonder – are all probiotics the same?
July 24, 2024 — Lauryn Railton
How Do Probiotics Survive Stomach Acid?

How Do Probiotics Survive Stomach Acid?

Let's dive into a topic that might sound a bit technical, though it's very important when it comes to maintaining a happy gut – stomach acid and probiotic survival. 

We're going to unravel the mysteries of stomach acid and how it impacts the effectiveness of your probiotics.

July 03, 2024 — Lauryn Railton
How Does The Environment Impact Gut Health?

How Does The Environment Impact Gut Health?

‘How does the environment around us affect our gut health, exactly?’ It’s a fair question that many have asked. From pollution to pesticides and even what's on our plates, our environmental factors can disrupt the microbiome in many different ways.  
June 28, 2024 — Lauryn Railton
Why Does Gut Health Matter As We Age?

Why Does Gut Health Matter As We Age?

Let's talk about something super important for staying healthy as we get older – our gut health. 

Believe it or not, our tummies play a big role in keeping us feeling good as we enter our golden years. So, let's take a moment to explain why taking care of our gut health now can provide support for elegant, vibrant ageing. 

June 12, 2024 — Lauryn Railton
How Do Antibiotics Affect Gut Health?

How Do Antibiotics Affect Gut Health?

‘How do antibiotics affect the gut, exactly?’ Many of us have asked ourselves this question at one point or another - so let’s shed some light on the matter. 

Antibiotics are like superheroes – they fight off nasty bacteria when we're sick.

May 21, 2024 — Lauryn Railton
Perkii Bottles Next To Kissing Face

Discovering Balance: A Customer's Positive Experience with PERKii Probiotic Drinks

Unlock Better Health with PERKii's Micro-Sheild Technology. Discover how PERKii Probiotic Drinks helped our consumers health journey with our exclusive micro-shielded technology developed by the University of Queensland. Designed to deliver live probiotics effectively to your gut, PERKii is more than just a drink—it's a gateway to well-being. Dive into the science that makes our probiotics survive the journey and thrive.
April 30, 2024 — Sarah Jones
What Are Probiotics & Where Do You Find Them?

What Are Probiotics & Where Do You Find Them?

In the extensive world of health and wellness, there's a particular buzzword that has been forever-growing in popularity - probiotics. And although you may have heard the term, you might still be wondering what they are, and why they’re making waves in the gut-health scene. 
April 24, 2024 — Lauryn Railton
7 Healthy Habits To Support Kids’ Gut Health

7 Healthy Habits To Support Kids’ Gut Health

In the whirlwind of parenting, maintaining your child's well-being is of utmost importance - with gut health playing a crucial role. 

Establishing gut-friendly habits early on forms the foundation for a lifetime of health and happiness

April 10, 2024 — Lauryn Railton
Is Kombucha Good For You?

Is Kombucha Good For You?

Over recent years, kombucha has made waves within the health and wellness community as a drink of choice. It’s often praised for its perceived benefits due to the probiotics it contains.

However, with new research into the strains and CFU counts of living organisms within off-the-shelf Kombucha products, could this fermented super drink’s powers fold under the microscope?

March 27, 2024 — Lauryn Railton
Do Probiotics Survive In The Stomach?

Do Probiotics Survive In The Stomach?

As nourishing as probiotics can be for our body, their journey to the intestines can be rough - especially as they pass through the stomach. In fact, some studies show that 99% of non micro-shield probiotics can die off in the first 30 minutes in a low pH environment. 

In this article, we’ve covered everything you need to know about how stomach acid impacts the efficacy of your probiotic and what you should look for to counter this - take a look!

March 20, 2024 — Andy Kelly
How To Keep Your Gut Healthy As You Age

How To Keep Your Gut Healthy As You Age

Heading into those golden years demands a closer look at many aspects of your health and wellbeing - and gut health is no exception. So, as the years roll on, it’s worth taking the time to understand how to keep your gut healthy becomes absolutely crucial. 

We’ve dived into the key steps for supporting a healthy gut as you age.

March 07, 2024 — Lauryn Railton
What’s The Difference Between Prebiotics & Probiotics?

What’s The Difference Between Prebiotics & Probiotics?

If you’re wondering ‘what’s the difference between prebiotics and probiotics’, you’ve come to the right place. In this blog post, we’ve covered everything you need to know about prebiotics and probiotics. Find out more
March 01, 2024 — Lauryn Railton